It's been real and it's been fun. It's just down-right been real fun, 24. When you first came into my life I thought that I was dreaming. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was 14 and praying and dreaming about what life would hold? I blinked and then you came. We've had some good times this past year, walking through life together. We've also had some scary times. Remember when I thought I was going to DIE from a dry socket? Man, that was awful. David was so great during that time (as he always is) he became a super hero, soaring to great heights to find the strongest pain meds, slaying the sandman to be at my beck and call through the night hours. Yes, he was and still is amazing. 24 you knew that this would come into my life and God used it to create compassion and tenderness in my heart for people who are hurting. There are so many people who are hurting. There are so many lessons learned in my 24th year.
24, do you realize you have a song? Yes, cool, right?! Switchfoot sings about you. "24 reasons to admit that I'm wrong" That line always gets me. This 24th year of my life has taught me much, but I'm not always correct in how I relate these Truths God teaches me. He is so patient with us. When others say "I felt that way when I was your age too" and I feel demeaned, upset and bitter (oops, there's that dirty laundry!), God gently reminds me that He shows us what we need to learn at the proper times, and it's not my responsibility to proclaim certain things to the masses. Rather to live them out and allow people to ask questions, to foster relationships, to see sharpening happen - it's a two way street. I have so much to learn....
Here's 24 items- various things like wisdom, situations, lessons, etc within my 24th year.
An "Ode" of sorts, to you, 24:
1. Marriage has gotten sweeter. BEST. DECISION. EVER.
2. I've realized that I'm now in my mid-twenties. Weird.
3. I still feel 19
4. My bills tell me I'm not 19 ;)
5. My relationship with God has gotten more Grace based and less works based (He increases, I decrease)
6. Relationships with people are hard (and PAINFUL) sometimes. They are sinners like me.
7. I like, really, really enjoy cooking. (thanks for the good gene's mom!)
8. I have the most bestest job ever. EVER.
9. Life is so short. This is not a new, but a deeper understanding.
10. I waste entirely too much time. And energy. And resources.
11. I enjoy "coffee chats" with friends more now than ever.
12. Realizing that high school was over 6 years ago. Also weird.
13. I have a fantastic used car that was a complete (cheap!!!) blessing. 43k miles. Whoa nelly!
14. I have a better understanding of what giving is. And maybe more importantly- what it is not.
15. Relationships with people are amazing. They are growing like me.
16. Don't put people on a pedestal. It gives them a higher place to fall from, and they will fall and disappoint. Again- sinners like me.
17. It's ok to hate sin. Which is good because I hate it a lot. Sometimes it makes me cry.
18. People are hurting.. It's ok to cry (alot) when they hurt. It doesn't make you look weak, it amplifies your love for them.
19. I'm a really selfish person. I need more work in this area.
20. Baking soda is the best chemical ever. I seriously use it for just about everything.
21. Gardening is therapeutic and fantastic.
22. Sponsoring children is hands-down one of the biggest blessings in our lives. We love you, kiddos!
23. There's nothing quite like an amazing novel. You have to read Redeeming Love.
24. More than anything else, redeem the time and give away your love and resources. It's the greatest thing ever to see God bless someone through the avenue of your hand, heart and clock. Once you let go of control and American "standards" of living- the rewards are so fulfilling.
We have a few weeks left together, 24. Let's make it count!
I'm a stuperhero!