Monday, September 19, 2011

Modern Day Joseph

Recently I have studied the life of Joseph in the Bible. Genesis 37-47 is what I read.. My mind is actually kind of swimming at the moment because of all this man went through from the age of 17 on to his late forties! 
Forgiveness and bitterness can be something that grips your life. I know some people who will die wrapped up in the bitterness of a myriad of things from their past. Do I want to be one of those people? Do you? No, of course not. But letting go can be something that feels so hard it's almost impossible. Especially depending on the closeness of the people who hurt you. Take Joseph for example, his own father esteemed him to a very unhealthy point- his brothers hated him for being "daddy's little boy". They hated him so much that even though he begged for his life they still sold him into slavery. That's cold. Real cold. I can imagine the monster of bitterness was breathing heavily on Josephs neck at that point. In this case, both parties (his dad and his brothers) did him wrong. There is such thing as unhealthy love (which really isn't love at all). The awesome thing through this nasty mess of family drama, God was with him. 
It's so true that when you are a Child of God, no matter how hard things are in your life, God is with you. I have to use all fingers and toes to count the amount of times that God has been there through the most excruciating times of my life, with some of them not being that long ago. No one can feel the depths of your pain like God can. Jesus remembers Calvary, but he also loved his persecutors while hanging on the tree.
The next main part in Josephs story? well, it wasn't all that bad at first! He had a break from the horrid time in his life and was actually put in charge of one of Pharaohs captains house (Gen 39:1)! The Bible says the Lord was with Joseph at this time and the captain (Potiphar) really liked Joseph... But, life is not always easy and when we want it to be, we hardly grow at all! Pain is always around the corner, but it is used greatly to bring us closer to our God and Saviour. In this case, Potiphars wife was angry with Joseph for not sleeping with her and framed him to make her husband think that he did! AGAIN, Joseph was the object of someone's hatred and sin. He was thrown in prison. God was still with him though! 
I see this like visioning a child falling on a bike scraping their knee and God being the one to say "It's ok, I'm here and I'm going to help you. Pretty soon you'll be riding this thing with no hands! Get up and keep going."
 I'll let you read the rest of the story, but through it all Joseph chose to forgive. There are several times where the Bible says he wept. Being hurt to these degrees comes with it's own scars that never really go away,but they can stop hurting after a while. Tears bring healing in my opinion. My favorite verses in the entire story are these, it was said by Joseph himself  to his brothers after revealing his identity to them in Egypt.
"And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life....And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth, and to keep alive for you many survivors...So it was not you who sent me here, but God." (Gen 45:5b,7a,8a)
Through it all, Joseph understood that God had a plan. He was molding and shaping him into who God wanted him to be and sometimes that hurts. When people hurt you, try to remember this. I have to remember it also. A wise friend once asked me this question: ask God for the understanding of how these people hurting you, are for the good of you- how are they molding you? how are they shaping you in the eyes of Jesus?
All of us have situations and people in our lives that hurt us or are still in the process of hurting us. Sometimes, like when Joseph seeing his brother for the first time since they sold him, we have the opportunity to bless instead of curse those who have wronged us. What is our choice going to be? Are we going to be like Jesus who cried out "Father, forgive them" when he looked at his persecutors? I hope to be that person. Are you going to choose to be a Modern Day Joseph? 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The End of the Matter

"The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil." Ecc 12:13-14
This is the verse that has been on my heart lately. It's a power punch to the gut and also one that simplifies everything. There it is, "the whole duty of man". I don't think Solomon could have made it anymore plain and simple than that, and he sure had a while to think about it too (12 chapters of writing's worth). But to actually fear God, or to respect and make God a part of every thought, word and decision, well- that's a pretty tall order to fill. Then, the judgement. This makes me tremble really, because every secret thing being made visible is a pretty scary thought. The whole reason anything is done in secret is because you don't want anyone to know about it! Yet another reminder that we are never truly alone. He is always there. Here's the thing that really baffles me (even though I embrace it) , yes, He's always there but never in judgment of those who are truly His children. The reason is Christ. What a wonderful assurance! The Old Testament believers didn't have that assurance like we do because of being under the old Covenant- which really makes me thankful for being under the new  Covenant! Still, I don't always live in this wonderful assurance. I lose my "cool", have a bad attitude, make a judgmental remark, and still look over my shoulder in doubt of God's love. How thankful I am that Christ is our hope and heaven is our home! He is so gentle to remind us when we forget, isn't He? I can even forget that he's gentle! Hm, the end of the matter, yes, there are always things that are "the matter" but HE is the end of it, the beginning and middle. It's all about Him. This life is just the "great distraction" and we are to live in it, and fight our way, through the muck and mud of this world, to heaven. I have to admit that I'm tired. Tired of fighting and tired of being in this place. This world is a "Beautiful Letdown" as the band Switchfoot would say. That song is the theme of my life in a song form.
In a world full of bitter pain
And bitter doubts
I was trying so hard to fit in
Fit in, until I found out

I don't belong here (I don't belong)
I don't belong here (I don't belong)
I will carry a cross and a song
Where I don't belong
I don't belong 
So, I will continue to carry a cross and song where I don't belong. And strive to remember "The end of the matter" - nothing matters that isn't for God and isn't in accordance with His Word.  I will continue to fail, continue to lose my cool, continue to not speak in truth or kindness at times- but this is all part of carrying the cross. It's all nailed there and paid for and the scarred body of my Saviour is waiting for me in heaven  to review an account of my life that's been covered by His blood. Because of that, I don't belong here. I belong with Him, in his arms and forever praising Him.
Good night,

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Lately, I can't help but hit "back" on the CD player in my car to hear the song "Gone" by Switchfoot played for the 4th, 5th and 6th time. It's one of those catchy "head bopping" songs, that when it's over turns out to be a real eye opener. Basically the song is talking about how our life is so quick, and we are mostly living it like we "are immortal"- like we have all the time in the world, and also wasting our lives on things that are worthless and don't matter at all. The more I live, the more I see this all around me. We waste so much time, but yet we spend SO much $$ and concern on ways and things to make us feel younger and look younger. I work in an environment where I see people spending hundreds of dollars on themselves, just to look better (and then have to spend the same amount in 6 weeks). In the magazines, Kim Kardashian was noted to have spent millions on her (2nd) wedding day. We live for lattes, the latest trends, video games, decor ideas, etc,etc.. But who promises us tomorrow? No one. What are we doing with today? That is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. Funny how God can use something as small as a song to get our attention, huh? 

What are the things that really matter? Well, I believe God has something to say about this. 
And he answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27
Love God. Love People. Sounds simple, right? Yes, it is actually. Easy? About as easy and juggling three elephants. There are many references in the Bible that talk about loving God and people, it's clearly a huge theme. Jesus Christ died the most horrendous death in history to save us, out of Love for God the Father and us. That's enough to make me stop playing that Switchfoot song again, so I can stop and think.

Yesterday I was thinking about all of this again, and when my husband came home I asked him a question regarding an  article I read about personality types. The article talked about the difference between a people-oriented type, and a task-oriented type. On first glance I thought "oh, certainly I'm a people oriented type!" but after reading further I thought, "oh... I'm definitely more task-oriented" and it made me think about how I'm doing with living life for eternity (think of the "Gone" song) and how I'm loving God and people (re-read the verse)... Uh-oh....
My husbands response to my question  of whether or not he thought I was more people or task oriented, (because, your spouse knows you better than anyone) was not exactly what I wanted to hear: "I'd say you are more task-oriented, babe". Drat.

The problem is that I can put my tasks before the people in my life (and my Lord). I'm very thankful that God knows my heart, but I fear that I have hurt people because they can see accomplishments getting in the way of how or when I love them, make sense? With a task oriented person, there is a great danger in people feeling unloved or left out due to schedules, tasks and a busyness that comes from being this personality type. But this is never how I intend to make people feel. Yet, I'm thankful to have been shown this flaw (in case you were wondering if I had any *ha ha*) because I want to live life for eternity. Jesus warned me that tomorrow has enough troubles of it's own, and like with everything, He is right. I want to plan for today and eternity, not tomorrow. See the difference?  I hope you have been challenged by reading this. We MUST live for what's important! The world can suck us into a vacuum of selfishness and draw us into things that DO. NOT. MATTER. Friends, Christ is NEVER going to ask you if you wore your makeup everyday, or if you didn't wear white after labor day, or if you made sure the dishes got cleaned everyday, or if you made it to every game practice and the list goes on and on in our lives of things that we get caught up in that He couldn't care less about.
I'm still evaluating what things in my life I need to sacrifice for Him or the people I love. What are you going to do?
Thanks for listening,
Love- Rachel

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring life!

I love this time of the year, when the birds come back after hiding from Winter and the leaves start waking up, the weather gets warmer and everything starts saying "new life!". David and I have had a blast over these past 3 1/2 months of our "new life" together. It's been full of exciting things, new things, challenging things and life never seems to slow down. We are so thankful for each other, and I thank God that I married this man. He is my number #2 in life (the Lord being #1) and I grow to love him more deeply each day. We just thought about how we love each other more now, than we did on our wedding day!
Many of you know that David has a new job. We praise the Lord for that!! It's been wonderful to have a set schedule for him so that we can plan to be with friends and family and be able to go to church together each Sunday. David works in a printing office for Oce Business Services. It's a pretty easy job, which is a set-up from Ponderosa where he worked so hard and long that even walking in the door after work was a challenge! We are able to spend our evenings together which is my favorite part of the day!
I am enrolled in new classes for the Summer, Math 118 and Critical thinking. I'm excited to be two classes closer to finishing my degree with Moody! Lately I've been praying about how the Lord is going to use my degree for His glory and work in ministry. If you think of me, please pray for this also.
We know that the Lord has big plans for our marriage. David and I are very firm on the belief that marriage is a team effort and we are one in Christ. We sense that the Lord is making us new everyday in little and big ways, we have enjoyed times of prayer together as we seek out what God has in store. This Spring is very exciting and we are anticipating what's next!
We love hearing from our friends and family, so please don't hesitate to let us know how we can be praying for you!

Monday, February 7, 2011

School and such

Hi Friends!
Well, this post is about schooling. If you would pray for me- I would appreciate it! Lately (I'll be open  with you here) it's been a struggle to be motivated to do school. Not because I don't like school, but because the general education classes I'm taking have NOTHING to do with my degree. Bleh. I know you are probably thinking "that's life", and I hear you. None the less, the prayers are appreciated! :)
I would love to get involved in a teaching atmosphere with my degree. For those who may know that I'm going to school, but not know what for- my degree will be Bible/Theology. So, it would be great to get into a college setting (if I can do that without a masters), or be able to have a more flexible teaching type job. I have no idea what that will look like, but the Lord knows. David is very supportive of my schooling and I'm grateful for that because he gives me the motivation I need. We could also use prayer on the $$ part of school. We have a "baby marriage" that is not inexpensive (like you know all about if you are married!), so setting up our life together plus trying to finish school is a task that we take seriously, but understand that we really need the Lord to fund it for us!
Recently my friend from Moody Bible Institute sent out an update that someone paid for her schooling bill of $1,500 just in time before the school would penalize her for a late payment (even keeping her from graduating this May!). God is so faithful. When we TRUST Him and look to Him, He does come through for us. David was telling me last night "Rach, God WANTS us to bother Him [in prayer], the more we do that the more He loves it and wants to answer our prayers!" Just like we want to hear from our friends and love to help them. Sheesh, can you imagine how happy God is when we come to Him!? What faith that is! Like the Word says, "Without faith it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6). David and I desire to please God with our faith. Life is hard, but God is always good. Always. We know He will accomplish His good will in our lives, with school and whatever else. What do you need to trust HIm for today? -RZ

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I think all of us knew about the anticipated snow storm in Northwest Indiana (and a greater part of the Northeast!), and boy did it hit us! Crazy strong winds made travel dangerous last night and definitely over a foot of snow has fallen since yesterday and it's still snowing outside.
David and I are both very happy though, we get a day to spend together because both of our work places decided that it was best to keep everyone at home (thanks Panache and Ponderosa!).
Sometimes I wonder if God sends a storm like this to make people slow down, have you ever thought about that before? Life is SO fast paced. I constantly wish there were more hours in the day. That's why I'm thankful for days like today when I get a chance to actually sit and take time to be thankful for the things that God has placed in my life. My amazing husband, our warm home (and provisions), the grace of God that keeps us going everyday- and the simpler things like sleeping in, and pancakes and coffee like we had this morning (Yum!). I hope that no matter where you are, God gives you your own "snow day" so you can sit and relax and be thankful for the finer and simpler things in life. Ok, this is short because I need to get back to our snow day!  -RZ 

No snow in Texas, but they do get creative! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Married and lovin' it!

So, marriage is awesome. It's totally worth the wait too! I've been telling a lot of people lately- "Marriage is awesome when you have the right person, it would be awful if you "just got married" to anyone and have to live with a poor choice for the rest of your life!" I'm so thankful I married who God had prepared!  There is such pressure in our society for young people to be married young. It's sad! There are many I know of who have this feeling of "if I don't get married before I'm 20 years old then I must not be attractive or something is wrong with me." I've seriously heard that said. If you are one of those people and are reading this right now, take heart and know that God is watching over you and KNOWS who you are to marry WHEN you are to marry them! :) If you're anything like me they might be your current best friend-that's who I married! 
There are so many people we have to thank for making our day beautiful! Nothing went wrong that day. I was absolutely overjoyed with how my dress turned out! The food was delicious! The music was super fun! The ceremony was wonderful! It was a dream come true. Walking down the aisle to my best friend is a memory that is forever locked in my mind. We have so enjoyed these first 5 weeks of marriage. They have been filled with challenges (the kind you rise up to and grow together from), sheer joy and deeper intimacy in our relationship with God and each other.
We want all of our family and friends to know that your love and support during the time of our engagement and now our marriage means the world to us, verbal and written "thank you's" cannot begin to express how thankful we are for you all. :)